Comments on: www. is NOT deprecated Research and development Sun, 06 Jan 2013 22:26:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cracker Knackers Sun, 06 Jan 2013 22:26:27 +0000 My examples had http:// added to the list and only the last one should have had http://

By: Cracker Knackers Sun, 06 Jan 2013 22:21:13 +0000 I can see the advantages of both, but the arguments for deprecating www seem to come down to two things; aesthetics and ease of use.

I’ve always pondered over which to use for me domains, and I’ve always found the decision difficult because there isn’t an authorities answer, but, I believe there should be.

My brother recently said to me “I didn’t realise you didn’t need to www!”. And there in lies the problem. Seem people ‘think’ you don’t need it, some people think you have to use www, and the more techy amongst us know you should be able to use both but that’s not always the case. So the fact of the matter is; It couldn’t ‘become’ confusing if www was deprecated because it already ‘is’ confusing.

All my previous sites work on both but redirect to www. My latest site I have done it the other way, but as the tld is a .me it looks odd when in print without the www, more confusion then.

This topic got me thinking more than I wanted to!

I was going to say; the answer is to keep www the standard, but make it compulsory for to direct to That way everyone knows that ‘if’ we type www or not, we still get the same site.

Some argue that; www should stay because it’s logical. I can see some reasoning behind that; spot the odd one out.

I’m not the wiser however, and I still don’t know what to do. With a tld of .me, I feel it’s probably necessary to print the www. because people may not get it yet. Something else also, although youngsters find online activity second nature, I also recognise that the majority of users are more like my brother, in that they ‘think’ they know, when actually they don’t know the whole truth.

With that in mind, we have to accommodate all people online, and we do that by keeping www as a standard and redirect non-www.

My 2 pence.

By: Jay Apolinario Fri, 03 Feb 2012 21:35:19 +0000 You should considered the effect of using vs in the intranet world, since the proxy server is mostly used in this fashion.

inside the intranet, will yield to no access to the site because you are definitely inside that networt ( hence the qualified will get to the site with no problem. The other issue is most users are lazy to type in the URL, they go to google and search the domain. When they clicked the link, they are in the mercy of how Google canonicalize the web search engine.

The moral of this problem is to train the user the proper way of URL.

By: megusta Wed, 31 Aug 2011 21:06:00 +0000 In fact companies like Cloudflare necessarily need the addresses of the domains point to your subdomain bearing the WWW service, this is because all content navigation passes for that subdomain is filtered by Cloudflare, thus being able to add some features to improve performance the Web site.


De hecho empresas como Cloudflare necesitan forzosamente que las direcciones de los dominios que apuntemos a su servicio lleven el subdominio WWW, esto es porque todo el contenido de navegacion que pasa por dicho subdominio es filtrado por Cloudflare, pudiendo asi agregarle algunas caracteristicas para mejorar el rendimiento del dominio web.

By: hm2k Mon, 23 May 2011 23:41:38 +0000 “Root domains are aesthetically pleasing, but the nature of DNS prevents them from being a robust solution for web apps. Root domains don’t allow CNAMEs, which requires hardcoding IP addresses, which in turn prevents flexibility on updates to IPs which may need to change over time to handle new load or divert denial-of-service attacks.”

By: Aidolon Tue, 21 Dec 2010 20:58:16 +0000 dwg’s comment regarding the use of “deprecated” is unfortunate, as “deprecated” has in fact been used correctly in this case.

While dwg’s definitions are certainly correct for traditional English, when used with respect to computing (programming languages in particular) “deprecated” refers to an obsolete programming language which is still in use all the same.

A nice description appears here:

Languages evolve, and when a field rises as quickly as computing has it is only inevitable that new words (or meanings for existing words) are coined as a result.

By: dwg Fri, 13 Aug 2010 19:10:30 +0000 While I agree with the premise of the article – that use of the “www.” should remain optional, and not be required one way OR the other, I wish people would learn the proper definitions and use of words. In other words, the proper word is “depreciate”, NOT deprecate. “Deprecate” and “depreciate” have completely different meanings, neither of which means “obsolete”:

deprecate: To express disapproval of; deplore.

depreciate: To lessen the price or value of. Or, to lower in estimation or esteem

obsolete: No longer in use, or no longer useful.

An example of their usage: As they feel it is obsolete, some people take it upon themselves to deprecate the continued use of the depreciated “www.” portion common in web site addresses.

By: Felix - Willkommen in der Welt eines Jungen Piraten » WWW – Eine Glaubensfrage Mon, 19 Jul 2010 12:41:06 +0000 […] Intranet…Weitere Argumente für www, und teilweise gegen www, findet ihr übrigens auch auf interessieren brennend weitere Argumente, also her damit GD Star Ratingloading… Kategorien: […]

By: hm2k Wed, 30 Jun 2010 09:14:57 +0000 In reply to Jackson Capper.


How does sending users from to make things simpler?

Surely redirecting to would just as simple and better for the end user.

By: Jackson Capper Wed, 30 Jun 2010 04:07:50 +0000 I run a local small business. The way I do it for our web campaign is assume and redirect all traffic simply to Of course, I have the www. available for those who type it, and I use the www. on print media to clearly show that it is a URL, although I am not sure at this point if it is necessary, but just a safety measure. I’m up for anything that makes life a bit simpler and no-www is one way.
