September 18, 2008 at 3:51 am
· Filed under Development, Sysadmin
Update: Looking for the Try the Simple Sockets Server project page.
I’m getting fed up with my current IRC BNC software. At the moment I’m using psyBNC, which means I have to connect to it like you would an IRC server, then issue commands to that to tell it to connect to the IRC server of your choice.
I no longer need the features of psyBNC and decided that there must be a better way.
At first I started looking at other, more basic BNC software, but then worked out that they work in very much the same way as psyBNC in the fact that you have to first connect to it, then tell it where to connect to.
So I thought… What about a socks5 proxy?
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September 16, 2008 at 3:51 pm
· Filed under Development, Sysadmin
In my job I have to manage lots of machines all over the place. Many of them are on windows.
I often find tracking IP addresses to be a difficult task if they do not have a static IP address.
So what can be done to keep track of an IP address?
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September 15, 2008 at 3:53 pm
· Filed under Development
I wasn’t going to write about this, but I liked the solution (application) so much I had to shout about it.
I was provided with a 30 day cd preview slideshow of wedding photos, and was asked very kindly to attempt to extract the photos from it so they could be viewed beyond the trial period.
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June 25, 2008 at 11:52 pm
· Filed under Development
I wanted to create a script that would convert a normal IP address to a long IP, just like mIRC Script’s $longip alias.
Converts an IP address into a long value and vice-versa.
$longip( returns 2660774639
$longip(2660774639) returns
What I was originally trying to do was increase an IP by 1, but due to the octets only allowing up to 255, this became increasingly difficult to do.
What I decided to do in the end was convert the IP to a “longip” then increase it by 1, then convert the IP BACK to normal IP.
This required a way to convert an IP to and from longIP, I was told it could be done purely using shell script, here’s what I did…
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June 3, 2008 at 4:31 pm
· Filed under Development
With the on-going abuse to email based systems, we are in need of ways to validate the email addresses we’re handling.
We all know what an email address looks like, we see them and use them every single day. But how do you know if it’s valid or not? The next obvious question should be, what defines a valid email address?
This is what I intend on investigating.
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