Comments on: Telemarketing Research and development Sat, 08 Dec 2007 18:46:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: rickrancotti Sat, 08 Dec 2007 18:46:35 +0000 One of my favorite scumbags is a guy named Richard Salvador aka Richard Dunbar of Great Northwest Advertising. Richard spoofs his caller id using Richard served 5 years (was sentenced to 9) for his part in one of the nations largest telemarketing scams in U.S. history. He was targeting and ripping off senior citizens. The FBI sting operation was called “operation disconnect”. Richard routinely threatens to kill people. Customers, competitors, empolyees etc. He likes to record himself doing so. Richard recently put his 14 year old daughter in the hospital. His ex wife and daughter are now in hiding. He uses methamphetamines and steroids. Don’t believe me? Check this out:
Great Northwest Advertising customer service policy:

Richard threatening his competition with a bullet to the head:
