PHP OpenSRS Client
This is only a quick message to say that I am now developing the PHP OpenSRS Client project.
OpenSRS-PHP is a PHP-based client class that communicates with the TuCows OpenSRS Domain Name Registry System via an API.
I have just released version 2.8.1 with many long awaited fixes.
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Is this updated? Last version on the sourceforge site is from 2009.
Hi Michael,
Yes, the last version was released in 2009. It is in perfect working order and there has been no changes to the API or PHP that have affected it.
In the past year there has been 90 downloads in total so there isn’t a massive demand at the moment to tackle the TODO list.
If there are any features or bugs you need addressing, feel free to submit them on the project home page or just get in touch!
I’ve downloaded the open srs client and it cannot find the file pear.php. Now is this because I need to install pear, or is pear.php a file taht should have been included in teh 2.81 client zip package?
Many Thanks,
This OpenSRS package is a PEAR package. You MUST install PHP PEAR ( in order to use it. The pear.php is part of PHP PEAR.