Twitter for mIRC
I signed up for Twitter quite some months ago, but have yet really found myself using it.
I’m sure some of you are wondering what twitter actually is. The best way to describe it is a way to tell people you know what you’re up to. It fills the gap between emails and blogs.
This way, your friends can find out what you’re up to without having to actually ask you, and only if they’re interested.
Quite a novel idea.
However, I found myself NOT using it. My reasoning behind this was mainly because loading the site in a browser, logging in, and submitting a message was a rather long winded process.
However, thankfully, as it turns out, they have an API which I can send my message to along with my login details to update my status.
And so it was born! Twitter for mIRC.
At the moment the script is just an updater, maybe in the future I will write some RSS feed reader for mIRC so you can see what your friends are doing on twitter via mIRC, but only if the demand is there…
Warning: Declaration of Social_Walker_Comment::start_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Comment::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /Users/wade/Sites/ on line 18
Warning: Declaration of Social_Walker_Comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker_Comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /Users/wade/Sites/ on line 42
+1 demand
Nice work!
+100000000000000000000000000000000000 Demand. I so want my bot to say what my friends update.
Hah just came across this. I actually made something that does the exact opposite i.e. polls twitter for your latest tweet and announces it on IRC within a few minutes of you updating Twitter (I tend to do that from or via SMS). I also decided to call that twitter.mrc (not having seen this previously).
The URL for it is … may someone find it useful.
… er looiking at the previous two comments, you guys might be interested. 🙂
+1 demand.. well there’s another !
This is HOT! Now…Is there some way i can make this multi-user? I have tried and tried again…to no avail. Please Help!
awesome. using this!
I’m using this on my account to test it, now I want to move it to tweet to a different account, how to I change the information to the other account?
Hello… very nice work. but Scandinavian letters don¨t show correctly. How can it be fixed?
Wow, thanks!
This works perfectly with a !tweet script.
GREAT!! it works!! and i´ll use it
Thanks for this , the mirc scriptor lives on !!
This is some serious bit of kit, I too was bored of not using it because of opening browser windows, when my precious mirc was opened…
THANK YOU X 1000000000000000000
if you ever about on efnet say hi !! [NiNjA]UK
Download link is broken. Just redirects to your page. 🙁
A copy/paste did not work in mIRC 7.1. Perhaps the twitter-server moved or something?
This script no longer works as of August 2010. Twitter removed basic authentication from their API and now use OAuth ONLY. So unless someone can get an OAuth extension for mIRC, no more twitter.
I’ve updated the script to use the API proxy to avoid the need of OAuth.
Definitely want an rss updater for twitter
please add support for messaging all followers so they each get an email notification. many thanks